Complaints Procedure

At Group Stays we are very fortunate that we rarely receive complaints. This is because we do everything we possibly can to ensure that everything is tip-top for our guests.

If however, you feel you have any reason to complain about your Group Stays group accommodation, please make sure you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions that were agreed at the time of booking. These Terms and Condtions makes it very clear that your contract is with the owner of the property and not with Group Stays; any complaint should have been raised with them during your stay so that every attempt could be made to put things right.

If you have returned from your stay and still feel you have a valid complaint please contact us by email clearly explaining the nature of the complaint and why you feel it was not sufficiently resolved at the time of your stay. We will then forward this to the relevant property owner who then has 7 days to respond. Group Stays should always be included in all correspondence.

Note that Group Stays remain impartial to both parties; we do not advise the owner on any particular course of action and we do not engage with the guest with respect to what we believe the owner should do.